Digital transformation for you

Digital Transformation for Insurance in Singapore July 23-24

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Seth Adler
Seth Adler

With AI LIVE APAC coming up July 16-17, we at AIIA currently have our sights acutely set on the region. The very next week Digital Transformation for Insurance takes place in Singapore July 23-24. Register for Digital Transformation for Insurance now.

Digital transformation

No matter if you call it Transformation or Digital Transformation or Digitisation, presenting enterprises including QBE and Singapore Life are now thoroughly down the road and are truly discussing what can be done and what has been done at scale.

Customer centricity 

As Nadia de Villa has intoned on the podcast, in writing and in report form, Manulife has put the customer at the center of it's transformation plan and is that tail to wag the dog. 

Business + IT

And Peak Re Hong Kong is not just talking the relationship between business and IT, they discuss how to transform both into a new realitiy for your global corporate enterprise.

Register for Digital Trasnformation for Insurance now.


CXO PANEL: Harnessing the Power of Digitisation to Accelerate Business Transformation and Innovation at Scale

Mr Alvin Nand - Chief Operating Officer, Head of Global Operational Transformation, QBE Insurance Asia 
Mr Walter de Oude - Chief Executive Officer, Singapore Life
  • Formulating an effective digitisation roadmap focusing on operational agility and customer excellence
  • How can insurers govern business models to reap the full rewards of digitisation and innovation?
  • Staying ahead of the digital curve with strategic investments in people, process and technology

JOINT KEYNOTE: A Renewed Focus to Customer Experience and the Strategic Shift to Digital

Mr Mark van den Broek - Chief Information OfficerManulife Asia

Mr Francesco Lagutaine - Chief Marketing & Experience Design OfficerManulife Asia

  • Putting customer centricity at the heart of business transformation
  • Fusing digital and experience to meet and exceed today’s customer expectations
  • Driving value for today’s digitally-empowered customers

PANEL: Modernising Governance Strategies and Legacy Systems for Greater Business Agility

Mr David Cabral - Chief Operating OfficerPeak Re Hong Kong

  • Moving from traditional IT infrastructure to infrastructure as a utility – What are the challenges and opportunities
  • Infusing digital to support business growth, functionality and agility
  • Enabling seamless service delivery with a digital-ready operating model

Register for Digital Trasnformation for Insurance now.